Glencore Agriculture is pleased to publish its first report on the traceability of its soy supply chains in Brazil, after committing to a common reporting framework announced by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development's (WBCSD) Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) earlier this year.
Glencore Agriculture announced its membership to the SCF in February 2019; collaborating with five other industry leaders to advance collective action around shared sustainability challenges.
The common reporting framework agreed by members of the SCF is a landmark step in generating increased reporting and monitoring of the traceability and transparency of supply chains. The report includes information on the percentage of soy within the Cerrado that is sourced directly from farmers and indirectly from third parties within 25 priority municipalities. Through these reports, the SCF will identify where targeted interventions are needed to address native vegetation conversion for soy cultivation in Cerrado.
Further reports on the traceability of soy supply chains will be produced by each of the SCF members every six months.
Glencore Agriculture soy supply chain report
For further information, please contact:
Melanie Bayley
t: +31 10 4044 231
m: +31 611 240 657
Notes for Editors
Glencore Agriculture is a global leader in the origination, handling, processing and marketing of agricultural commodities. Our strategic network of assets and infrastructure and strong relationships along the supply chain enable us to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of our customers worldwide.